“澳門製作 本土情懷”澳門基金會市民專場演出 
─ 『中韓三劍客 - 龍笛鳳簫』音樂會   “Chinese and Korean Musician – flutes of Dragon and Phoenix” concert
主辦         :   澳門長虹音樂會
演奏         :   澳門長虹民族樂團
指揮         :   金 野
贊助         :  澳門基金會 民政總署  澳門文化中心
日期         :   二0一五年九月二十日(星期日)
時間         :   晚上八時正
地點         :   澳門文化中心綜合劇院
票價         :   澳門幣50元 (不設劃位) 
售票地點 :   澳門長虹藝術活動中心
                        廣星傳訊 -
                        *俾利喇街108號皇宮大廈地下B鋪 (即大家樂旁)
票務查詢 :   (853) 2858 1150
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Macao Cheong Hong Music Club

Macao Cheong Hong Orchestra
Jin Ye
Macao Foundation
Civic and Municipal Affairs Bureau
Macao Cultural Centre
20 September 2015 (Sunday)  
8:00 p.m.
Grand Auditorium of Macao Cultural Centre
$50 (No assigned seating)
(50% off for purchasing 4 tickets or more)
Macao Cheong Hong Music Club-Art Activity Centre
Macao Cultural Centre
Kong Seng Ticketing Network -
* Rua de Francisco Xavier Pereira, No.108, Edf. Palácio, G/B
(Next to Café de Coral)
* Avenida do Conselheiro Ferreira de Almeida No. 71B, R/C
(853) 2858 1150
近年「韓」風四起,澳門長虹民族樂團亦首次以中樂彈奏出韓國民間樂曲,來文娛本澳樂迷,令人耳目一新。樂團將於九月份呈獻上「【中韓三劍客 — 龍笛鳳簫】音樂會」,並特邀著名指揮金野擔任是次音樂會的客席指揮,以及著名笛簫演奏家崔敏、王溪及張夢婕同台演出。演出曲目包括農家樂,跑旱船(笛子二重奏)、萬波息笛(韓曲)及風傳山曲(韓曲)等多首名曲,各位樂迷不容錯過。
As Korean culture become increasingly popular in recent years, wishing to give local audience a new and memorable experience, the Macao Cheong Hong Orchestra will make its first attempt in playing Korean folkloric music by traditional Chinese musical instruments in the upcoming “Chinese and Korean Musician – flutes of Dragon and Phoenix” concert to be held in September this year. Renowned musicians including conductor Jin Ye, flute players Choi Min, Wang Xi and Zhang Mengjie will all appear on stage together. Songs playing in the concert include: “The Farmer’s Pleasure”, “Lake Boat” (flute duet), “Waves Bamboo flute (Korean song), Song of Wind Rumors Mountain (Korean song) and many more. Music lovers shouldn’t miss this golden opportunity.
崔敏 Choi Min
朝鮮族,幼小便受到了朝鮮族民族音樂的影響及跟民間藝人學習洞簫和長鼓演奏,於2006年以韓國文體部的國費全額獎學留學生(Art major Asia)留學到國立韓國藝術綜合大學 傳統藝術院 研究生, 跟韓國著名的大芩大師朴龍浩教授學習韓國傳統大芩 2011年研究生畢業 。現任韓國中央大學講師。2006年至2013年與韓國多個樂團合作演出,如:韓國國立國樂管弦樂團, KBS國樂管弦樂團,江原道立國樂團, 釜山市立國樂管弦樂團,全州市立國樂團,首爾市立國樂管弦樂團,蘭溪國樂團等,深獲好評。
Korean, under influence of Korean folkloric music since infant, and then follow the teaching of the folkloric artists learned vertical flute and long drum. In 2006, he gained a full scholarship of the Korea National Cultural and Sport Ministry (Art major Asia) and study as a postgraduate in the Faculty of Tradition Art of Korea National University of Arts, under the teaching of the famous master of Tai Qin, Professor Park Yong Ho, by learning Korean traditional Tai Qin and graduated in 2011. Today His is the lecturer of Central University. From 2006 to 2013, he had taken part in many concerts of the following orchestras: National Korean Music Philharmonic, KBS Korean Music Philharmonic, GangWon Korean Music Orchestra, Busan Korean Music Orchestra, Jeonju Korean Music Orchestra, Seoul Korean Music Philharmonic and Lanxi Korean Music Orchestra, being well acclaimed.
張夢婕 Zhang Mengjie
Professional flutist. She had learned to play flute from her father, famous flute player Zhang Hongyang, since childhood. In 2008, she was admitted to study in the Chinese Music Faculty of the Central Conservatory of Music, under the teaching of professor Dai Ya and famous flute player Yuan Feifan. During her study, she had joined many performance and big cultural activities of the Central Chinese Music Orchestra, China National Youth Orchestra, China National Opera and Dance Drama Theatre and Hubei Chinese Carillon Orchestra, gaining rich orchestra experiences in the stage. She held a “Flute Melody of Chu” concert with great success in May of 2012. In 2013, she was admitted to the China Conservatory of Music to study professional conducting of a master degree, under the guidance of professor Yang Youqing and renowned conductor Hung Jia.
王溪 Wang Xi
自幼隨父親王汝松學習竹笛。1993年拜中國音樂學院張維良教授為師。參予多項器樂比賽,獲獎無數。 曾多次隨團出訪亞,歐,非,美洲二十多個國家和港、澳、臺地區。2012年5月舉辦了《楚都笛韻》-張紅陽、王溪、張夢婕笛子專場音樂會。是當今舞臺上最活躍、最具影響力、最具實力的青年民樂演奏家之一。
Famous Chinese young flute player, professional flute teacher of the Music Faculty of Minzu University of China, member of China Nationalities Orchestra Society and executive director of Professional Flute Committee of China Nationalities Orchestra Society. He started learning to play flute with his father Wang Rusong since childhood.
In 1993, he became the student of Professor Zhang Weiliang of China Conservatory of Music. He had taken part in many competitions and won numerous awards. He had performed in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan and other more than twenty countries or regions in Asia, Europe, Africa and the Americas. He held a “Flute Melody of Chu” concert with Zhang Hongyang and Zhang Mengjie in May of 2012. Today he is one of the most active on the stage, the most influential and potential young Chinese music performers.
金野 Jin Ye
除了擔任指揮主課教學任務外,他始終活躍在指揮實踐的藝術舞臺上。重要的演出包括:2010年和2011年在中國國家大劇院指揮了多場經典民族歌劇《小二黑結婚》。2010年至今在北大百年講堂指揮了多場室內管弦樂系列音樂會,包括《弦樂盛宴》、《管樂盛宴》、《古典也爵士》等。2010年至今在北京和天津指揮了多場《歐洲巴羅克經典》音樂會。2009至今在上海、北京和天津指揮了多場英文和中文版斯特拉文斯基的音樂舞臺劇《士兵的故事》。2009年“中國-匈牙利建交六十周年”音樂會上指揮了匈牙利當代作曲家諾伯特的交響詩《自安納托利亞》和《神秘的中國》的全球首演。 2008年應邀擔任世界第29屆北京奧林匹克運動會開幕式《中華人民共和國國歌》及其它開幕式音樂的指揮錄製工作。
He is an associate professor of Conducting at the Chinese Academy of Music and a permanent conductor of the China Youth Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra. He was sponsored by the Ministry of Education of China to study orchestra conducting at the London Royal Academy of Music in the UK. Now he is also a council member of the Directors Union of the Chinese National Orchestral Association. 
Aside from teaching music conduting courses, he is, from the very beginning, an active music artist on stage. His main performaces from 2009 to 2011 include: Classic Chinese Opera "Handsome Young Man"; "String Feast", "Wind Feast", "Classical but also Jazz" and "European Baroque Classics" concerts; Igor Stravinsky's Musical "Soldier's Tale"; Norbert Nemeth’s Symphonic Poem "From Anatolia" and "Mystic China". In addition, he was invited to be the conductor of the "People's Republic of China National Anthem" at the 29th Beijing Olympic Games opening ceremony in 2008, and also participated in music recordings of many other opening ceremonies.
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