主辦         :   澳門長虹音樂會
演奏         :   香港東方民族樂團
指揮         : 李复斌
製作總監 :   杜存忠                                                                         
贊助         :  澳門基金會   澳門文化局
                        澳門旅遊局   澳門文化中心
日期         :   二0一五年七月二十三日(星期四)
時間         :   晚上八時正
地點         :   澳門文化中心綜合劇院
票價         :   免費憑票入場 
售票地點 :   澳門長虹藝術活動中心
票務查詢 :   (853) 2858 1150
Organized by      :      Macao Cheong Hong Music Club                                
Performed by     :      Hong Kong Oriental Chinese Orchestra
                                   Macao Cheong Hong Orchestra
Conducted by     :      Li Fubin
Produced by      :      Tou Chunchung
Sponsored by      :      Macao Foundation               Cultural Affairs Bureau
                                   Macao Government Tourist Office                            Macao Cultural Centre
                                   Henry Fok Foundation
Date                  :     23 July 2015 (Thursday)
Time                   :      8:00 p.m.
Local                  :      Grand Auditorium of Macao Cultural Centre
Price                   :      Free Admission with tickets
Ticketing Office :      Macao Cheong Hong Music Club-Art Activity Center
Enquiries            :      (853) 2858 1150

嗩吶,一種約在金元時期傳入中國的古老吹管樂器,初為軍中使用,後輾轉傳入民間,成為中國各民族中廣為流傳的樂器之一。澳門長虹音樂會今次將以這種樂器為主題,舉辦『中國民族樂器系列 — 嗩吶風情』音樂會。雲集了代表不同時代及來自不同地區的多位著名嗩吶演奏家,包括:國家一級演奏員 — 郝玉歧(河南民族樂團)、周東朝(北京廣播民族樂團),著名演奏家 — 石海彬(中央音樂學院)、李建中(廣州星海音樂學院),青年演奏家 — 田丁(澳門中樂團),以及樂壇新秀 — 沈建暉(沈陽音樂學院)及胡晉僖(香港中樂團)等,在著名指揮家李复斌指揮下,聯同香港東方民族樂團及澳門長虹民族樂團,為本地樂迷獻上「東皇太一」、「畫眉跳架」、「一枝花」、「京郊行」、「湘江情」、「醒獅·龍舟」及「慶豐收」等多首耳熟能詳的中樂名曲,熱愛民族音樂的樂迷,萬勿錯過。
Suona, an ancient wind instrument came to China about the Yuan Dynasty, first was used in the army, then passed to the people in general and became one of the popular musical instruments among many ethnic groups. Macao Cheong Hong Music Group will organize a concert mainly with this instrument “Chinese Traditional Musical Instrument Series – Melody of Suona”. Many famous performers of Suona, representatives of different generations and come from different regions, will gathered in this concert, including: level I Performers of China - Hao Yuqi (Henan National Orchestra) and Zhou Dongchao (Beijing Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra); famous musicians - Shi Haibin (Central Conservatory of Music), Li Jianzhong (Guangzhou Xinghai Conservatory of Music); Young Performers - Tian Ding (Macao Chinese Orchestra), as well as music rookies - Shen Jianhui (Shenyang Conservatory of Music) and Wu Chun Hei (Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra). Under the conducting of the famous conductor Li Fubin, they will present the following songs with the Hong Kong Oriental Chinese Orchestra and Macao Cheong Hong Orchestra: “The Greatest God”, “Thrush dancing on a twig”, “A spray of flower”, “Walking in Beijing”, “Memory of Xiang River”, “Lion dancing · Dragon Boat” and “To celebrate bumper harvest”. Lovers of Chinese music don’t miss this event.

Hong Kong Oriental Chinese Orchestra
Hong Kong Oriental Chinese Orchestra is established by a group of professional musical performers and its principle is set on the basis of spreading the message of Chinese culture heritage, promoting musical development and facilitating both overseas and local musical exchange. The entire group is now comprised of 20 members who are served currently as professional Chinese instrumental instructors. The performances are conducted in a chamber orchestra manner for the purpose of promoting either solo or ensemble pieces of the east, west, traditional and contemporary works. In April, 2011, it had received a great applause from various sectors in the participation of the Macao Cheong Hong Music Club by invitation in the name of Hong Kong Chinese Instrumental Ensemble. Same year of August, the group was renamed Hong Kong Oriental Chinese Orchestra in the registration of establishing as an non-profit organization. In February, 2013, the Orchestra cooperated with Macao Cheong Hong Orchestra in the event of a Chinese new year concert that had received a positive comment from the local press in recongnizing its high artistic standard of performance. In October, 2013, it had participated in Cimbalom World Association (CWA) International Musical Festival, together with 10 other nations and regions in holding a diverse as cultural exchange in Taiwan. Later in August, 2014, the Orchestra was invited to the “Tsui Siu Ming Concert 2014”, giving a live accompany at the Hong Kong Academy for performing arts.

指揮 -  李复斌
Conductor - Li Fubin
廣州星海音樂學院                      指揮
廣東民族樂團                      首席指揮
廣東音樂曲藝團         音樂總監、指揮
中國民族管弦樂學會                   理事
Conductor of Guangzhou Xinghai Conservatory of Music and Guangdong National Orchestra of China, music director and conductor of Guangdong Traditional Music Philharmonic, professor of conducting in Xinghai Conservatory of Music. He graduated from the Wuhan Conservatory of Music in 1986, as conductor of Hubei Dance & Theater from 1986 to 1995, and then graduated from the Wuhan Conservatory of Music with the master degree of composer conductor in 1998. His conducting and composing work covered a variety of areas, like: the creation of the "Memory of Guangdong", "Picturesque Landscape of the Three Gorges of River Yang" of Yanqing concerto, and “Prelude of Chu Poetry" of Flute Concerto. He has been cooperated successful with many orchestras, such as Tokyo Metropolitan Symphony Orchestra, Guangzhou Symphony Orchestra, Singapore Chinese Orchestra, Macao Chinese Orchestra, Macao Cheong Hong Orchestra, Guangdong National Orchestra of China, etc.. In June of 2005, it held successfully the concerto of "Flying Chinese Music", performing music composed only by Li Fu Bin. In April of 2008, He went to Europe with Guangdong Traditional Music Philharmonic and conducted successfully the concert of "Oriental Teana" in Vienna Musikverein.

郝玉歧 Hao Yuqi
level 1 performer, holder of special government allowances and owner of Chinese arts lifelong contribution award. He had joined many Orchestras to perform abroad by 18 times, visiting the United States, Japan, Korea, Singapore, Thailand, five African countries, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. He had recorded 18 individual Suona tape and CDs, including "Hao Yuqi Suona Selection," "Suona Playing Method", "Suona Playing Art", "Suona Love Songs", " Suona Central of China", "Music Appreciations", etc.. "The breathing of Suona playing" and the "Central China Characteristic & style of Suona" granted the International Best Paper Award. His Suona solo concerts were held on May of 2009 in Zhengzhou and May of 2013 in Wenzhou.

周東朝 Zhou Dongchao
He was born in 1960 in Jinan and first time in the stage at nine years old. He represented twice his home region in the arts contest in Hebei Province, known as the "Little Gold Suona." In 1975 he represented Hebei Province in the National Solo Contest and became the youngest winner. He joined the China Broadcasting Chinese Orchestra in the same year. He has his only style of performing with high and perfect skill.
In 1978 he recorded a Suona solo song "Harvest of Joy" for the Central People's Broadcasting Station by the first time, then he started to record songs for the CCTV every year. His creation works: "Love of the Yellow land", "Look at the Pingchuan", " Spring of Yanhe ", "Hebei Clapper Melody", "Yu Tune", "Nostalgia", "Busy Work in Spring", " Qin and Pictures of Shandong" have been chosen as teaching material of the Central Conservatory of Music. He was classified as level 1 actor in 1995.

石海彬 Shi Haibin
著名指揮家合作演出, 2014年6月在北京音樂廳成功舉辦了《國樂金聲》石海彬嗩呐協奏曲音樂會,《人民音樂》評論“石海彬在兼收並蓄中推動嗩呐專業音樂的發展,他的演奏體現了嗩呐在當代專業音樂教育中的新高度……”。
He is a contemporary young Suona performer, assistente professor of the Central Conservatory of Music and master tutor.
He was born in Yangquan of Shanxi Province in 1975. He was admitted to the to the Central Conservatory of Music in 1994. He granted the title of outstanding graduates by Ministry of Culture in 1998 and stayed in the Conservatory to teach after graduated, and then he get the master graduated degree in 2006. He has his specially interpretation of the art of Suona.
He has been participated in the solo performance in the concert of many famous national and foreign orchestras.
In June of 2014, it was held successfully the Shi Haibin suona concert "Golden Sound of Chinese Music" in Beijing Concert Hall. He had trained many outstanding students that always get won in the musical contest. Shi Haibin granted many awards as excellent teacher.

田丁 Tian Ding
He was born in Mianyang city and started to learn Suona at seven years old. In 1988 he won the Second Award in the Youth Group of the Chinese Instrumental National Competition. In 1992 he was admitted to the Secondary School of the Central Conservatory of Music and became the principal Suona player in the China Youth Chinese Orchestra. In 1998 he was admitted to the Central Conservatory of Music.
He won the Acquire Performance Award in the "Sound of Dragon" national instrumental music competition held by the Central Conservatory of Music in 1998 and 2000. He graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music in 2002 and became a young soloist of the China National Orchestra. He joined the Macao Chinese Orchestra in 2004 as chief of Suona Section and became the teacher of Suona in the Macao Conservatory.

李建中 Li Jianzhong
李氏深得廣東嗩吶、潮州嗩吶和北方嗩吶的吹奏真諦,其演奏風格獨特、全面,音色純凈、技術嫻熟。除潛心致力於教學外,數次隨星海音樂學院民族樂團赴香港中文大學、香港政府禮賓部、澳門長虹藝術活動中心交流演出;曾舉辦過《玫瑰之夜》薩克斯獨奏音樂會和《李建中師生音樂會》;受文化部派遣隨團赴德國進行巡演及參加馬來西亞國際民間藝術節;應澳門文化司署邀請參加過里斯本世界博覽會專場音樂會、第十二、十三屆澳門國際音樂節及澳門回歸政權移交大典專場音樂會;應中央教育電視台邀請參加《風清氣爽又一春》2010年春節聯歡晚會;應中央民族樂團邀請參加該團2011廣東及全國巡演;應中央音樂學院邀請參加第四屆“中國管樂周”學術研討會及演出。出訪泰國參加慶祝中泰建交三十八周年音樂會及印尼蘇北-廣東省姐妹省文化交流音樂會演出。 2012年在國家大劇院參加《粵韻飛揚》音樂會演出而受到中共廣東省委宣傳部的嘉獎。曾榮獲星海音樂學院執教30年卓越耕耘獎;第十屆全國藝術節中國民族器樂民間樂種比賽職業組優秀演奏獎(最高獎)及第十一屆廣東省藝術節演奏獎。因其在民族器樂領域所獲得的成就,2013年8月應中國民族管弦樂學會嗩吶專業委員會邀請擔任首屆嗩吶學術研討會嘉賓及首屆全國嗩吶邀請賽評委。
Xinghai Conservatory of Music associate professor, famous Suona performer, saxophonist and educator. He graduated from the Xinghai Conservatory of Music, under the teaching of famous masters: Zhang Tianping, Chen Jiaqi, Fan Guozhong and Chen Tianshou.
Li got the Guangdong, Chaozhou and northern Suona playing essence, his playing style is unique, perfect sound and highly skilled. He has rich experience performing aboard, in Germany, Lisbon, Malaysia, Thailand, Hong Kong, Macao and others. He held a saxophone solo concert "Rose of the Night" and the "Li Jianzhong teacher and student Concert”. In 2012, he participated "Flying Melody of Guangdong Music" concert at the National Theatre. The Xinghai Conservatory of Music appreciated his teaching and gave him a 30 years of Excellence hard work Award. He had recorded many music CD and teaching albums.

沈建暉 Shen Jianhui
He is a young suona player and teacher of Shenyang Conservatory of Music. He graduated from the Central Conservatory of Music, under the teaching of the famous contemporary Suona musician Shi Haibin.
During the study in Conservatory he was the chief Suona player in the "China Youth Chinese Orchestra".
He won the first prize of Suona in the Chinese Music Competition "Sound of Dragon Cup" for two consecutive years.
In 2010, he got the gold award of instrumental performances of Liaoning Province, gold awards of performance and playing in the Liaoning Province Art Festival.

葛力 Ge Li
1983年出生于藝術世家。十三歲開始學習嗩呐演奏,師從葛繼力,郭雅志,劉英,李凡末,宋寳才。2003年以優異成績考入香港演藝學院,為全額獎學金學生。主修嗩呐,先後副修管子及色士風等。獲取香港演藝學院演奏文憑、深造演奏文憑、榮譽音樂學士學位及碩士學位,也是香港第一個嗩呐專業碩士研究生。在校期間,經常于校内、外各類音樂會進行嗩呐、管子、京胡獨奏表演。2008年第36屆香港藝術節《笙得起》音樂會中擔任嗩呐獨奏,其後受Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong邀請,與著名指揮家Maestro Geoffrey SIMON合作,嗩呐獨奏Cala Tuent(香港首演),這也是葛力首次與管弦樂團合作。先後多次代表香港旅遊發展局、香港演藝學院、香港貿易發展局出訪奧地利、法國、德國、荷蘭、丹麥、比利時、土耳其等國家地區進行表演。現為香港嗩呐協會幹事,除了活躍於舞台表演之餘,更熱愛音樂教育工作,現為多間中小學的樂團指揮及器樂導師,對音樂教育發展不遺餘力。
Born in 1983 of a family of artists. He began to learn playing the suona at 13 years old with masters: Ge Jili, Guo Yazhi, Liu Ying, Li Fanmo, Song Caibao. In 2003, he was admitted to the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, as a full scholarship student, major in Suona and minor in Pipe and Saxophone. He got the honor Music Bachelor and Master degree of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and he is the first postgraduate of Suona in Hong Kong. During the studying, he had always played the Suona solo in all types of concerts. He had been invited by the Pro Arte Orchestra of Hong Kong to play Suona solo “Cala Tuent” (debut in Hong Kong) cooperated with the renowned conductor Maestro Geoffrey Simon. He had visited many counties for performance, such as: Austria, France, Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Turkey and others. Now he is teaching in many primary and secondary schools.

郝曉東 Hao Xiaodong
青年嗩呐演奏家,河南民族樂團嗩呐首席,出生於嗩呐五代世家,5歲學習嗩呐演奏, 13歲考入武漢音樂學院附中,後參軍入伍成為了一名文藝兵,期間參加全國“朱載育杯”邀請賽並獲嗩呐狀元稱號;1994年轉業進入河南民族樂團,曾連續獲得2002年全國嗩呐大賽一等獎、2004年第二屆、2007年第三屆河南省專業器樂大賽一等獎,曾多次出訪美國、法國、韓國、保加利亞、新加坡、布隆迪、烏干達、厄立特里亞、阿聯酋、澳門、臺灣等國家和地區,郝曉東的嗩呐演奏技藝是目前有較大影響的一位青年演奏家。
Young Suona player and Henan Chinese Orchestra principal suona musician. He born in a family playing Suona for five generations. He began to learn Suona since five years old and was admitted to the High School of the Wuhan Conservatory of Music at 13 years old. Later he joined the army and became a solider, and then he won the champion of Suona in the National competition "Zhu Zaiyu Cup " and awards in other music competitions also. He had visited many countries and regions for performing, such as United States, France, South Korea, Bulgaria, Singapore, Burundi, Uganda, Eritrea, the United Arab Emirates, Macao, Taiwan and others. He is a quite important Suona player between the young performers .
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